Call Queuing System For Businesses

In today’s fast-paced world, efficient communication is essential for businesses to thrive, particularly in the VoIP landscape.

Call queuing within VoIP platforms is vital in managing incoming calls, ensuring that every caller receives prompt attention and optimal customer service. 

We will dive into everything you need to know about call queuing systems in the VoIP environment, including their purpose, functionality, benefits, and more.

What Is Call Queuing?

Call queuing, also known as automatic call distribution (ACD) in the VoIP landscape, is a telephony solution designed to organise incoming calls. 

These VoIP systems automatically route incoming calls to appropriate agents or departments based on predefined criteria, such as availability, skillset, or priority.

Does Air Landline Offer a call queuing System Service?

Yes, Air Landline offers a call queuing service as part of its telecommunication solutions. 

This service enables businesses to manage incoming phone numbers efficiently by implementing a queueing system that automatically routes calls to the appropriate agents or departments based on predefined criteria.

Air Landline’s call queuing feature helps businesses handle high phone call volumes effectively. It ensures that callers are not left waiting for extended periods and receive prompt attention from the most suitable representatives. 

By organising incoming calls into queues and providing features such as estimated wait times and informational messages, Air Landline helps businesses deliver a seamless and professional customer experience.

Free Call Queue Management with Air Landline

Air Landline offers a 7-day trial period during which users can try its call queue management system for free. 

This trial period allows businesses to experience the benefits of Air Landline’s call queue management features, which include organising incoming calls, routing them to appropriate agents or departments, and providing callers with informative message-related data and estimated wait times.

During the trial period, businesses can assess the effectiveness of Air Landline’s call queuing feature in improving call handling efficiency, optimising customer service, and enhancing overall communication processes. 

By leveraging this free trial, businesses can decide whether to continue using Air Landline’s services beyond the trial period.

Interested businesses can click here to sign up for the 7-day trial of Air Landline’s call queue management system and get their personalised phone numbers.

How Much Does it Cost?

Air Landline’s call queuing service costs £9.99 per month, excluding VAT. This fee grants users access to personalised phone numbers and call queue management features, including organising incoming calls, routing them to appropriate agents or departments, and providing callers with informative messages and estimated wait times.

How Does Call Queuing Work?

Call queuing works by organising incoming calls in a structured manner to ensure efficient handling and optimal customer service. Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Incoming Call: When a caller dials any business’s phone numbers, the call is routed to the company’s phone system or call centre hardware.
  2. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD): The call is intercepted by an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) system responsible for managing incoming calls. The ACD system automatically queues the call for handling.
  3. Queue Placement: The call and other incoming calls are placed in a queue until an agent can handle it. Queued calls are typically handled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. Queue Management: While waiting in the queue, callers may hear informational messages, music on hold, or estimated wait times to keep them informed and engaged.
  5. Agent Availability: Meanwhile, agents or customer service representatives become available to handle calls as they complete their previous conversations or become free from other tasks.
  6. Call Routing: Once an agent becomes available, the ACD system routes the longest-waiting call from the queue to the available agent based on predefined criteria such as agent skill set, availability, or priority.
  7. Call Handling: The agent answers the call and assists the caller with enquiries, issues, or requests. The agent may have access to caller information, previous interactions, or customer profiles to provide personalised service.
  8. Completion or Return to Queue: After the call is completed, the agent may update any necessary records or notes related to the interaction. If the caller has further needs or requires additional assistance, the call may be transferred, or the caller may be directed to another queue or department for further support.
  9. Feedback and Reporting: Call queuing systems often provide supervisors or managers with real-time monitoring and reporting features. These allow them to track queue statistics, agent performance, and customer satisfaction metrics to optimise efficiency and service levels.

What Is a Queued Call?

A queued call refers to an incoming phone call that is placed in a queue, awaiting to be answered by an available agent or representative.

When a caller dials a business’s phone number, and there are no available agents to take the call immediately, the call is queued, meaning it is placed in line along with other incoming calls. 

While in the queue, callers may hear informational messages, music on hold, or estimated wait times to keep them informed and engaged. 

This is to ensure that callers are attended to professionally, even during periods of high call volume or when all agents are busy assisting other callers.

Once an agent becomes available to handle a call, the queued call is routed from the queue to the available agent based on predefined criteria such as agent skill set, availability, or priority. The agent then answers the call and assists the caller with their inquiry, request, or issue.

Benefits of Using Call Queues

Enhanced Customer Experience

Call queuing features efficiently route callers to the most appropriate agent or department, reducing wait times and improving overall customer satisfaction.

Increased Efficiency

Automating call routing and queue management processes helps businesses streamline their operations, optimise agent productivity, and effectively handle high call volumes.

Improved Call Handling

These systems prioritise calls based on predefined criteria, ensuring that urgent or high-priority calls are promptly addressed while less urgent calls are queued for later handling.

What is the Difference between Auto Attendant and Call Queue?

Auto Attendants and call queues are both essential components of telecommunication systems, particularly when talking about business phone systems, but they serve distinct functions in managing incoming calls. 

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between Auto Attendant and Call Queue:

Auto Attendant

  • An Auto Attendant, also known as an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, greets callers with a pre-recorded message and provides them with menu options to direct their call.
  • The Auto Attendant serves as a digital receptionist, enabling callers to navigate a menu of options using either their phone’s keypad or voice commands to connect with the relevant department or extension.
  • It is typically used to handle incoming calls and route them to specific destinations without human intervention.
  • Example: “Welcome to ABC Company. Press 1 for Sales, 2 for Support, 3 for Billing…”

Call Queue

  • A Call Queue system organises incoming calls by placing them in a digital line up or queue until an agent or partner can address the call.
  • When all agents are busy assisting other callers, incoming calls are queued and accompanied by messages or music to inform callers that their call is important and that they are in line to be assisted.
  • Call Queues prioritise fairness and efficiency, ensuring that callers are attended to in the order they were received or based on predefined criteria such as priority or customer segmentation.
  • Example: “Thank you for calling ABC Company. Your call is important to us. Please hold, and the next available representative will assist you shortly.”

Other Features You Get Access to for Free with Air Landline

In addition to its call queuing system, Air Landline offers several other features tailored to optimise communication in the VoIP realm. +

These features enhance communication efficiency, productivity, and customer service. 

Here are some of the key features included with Air Landline:

  • Call Forwarding

Through call forwarding, individuals can reroute incoming calls from their Air Landline numbers to alternate phone numbers, whether a mobile device or a landline.

This functionality guarantees that users remain accessible and won’t overlook critical calls, even when they’re not at their desks or within the office premises.

  • Voicemail to Email

Air Landline offers voicemail-to-email functionality, allowing users to receive voicemail messages directly in their email inbox as audio files or transcriptions.

This feature enhances accessibility and convenience, enabling users to listen to voicemail messages on the go or easily archive them for future reference.

  • Call Recording

Air Landline allows users to record incoming and outgoing calls for quality assurance, training, and compliance. Call recording can be activated on-demand or scheduled to automatically record all calls, providing users with valuable insights into customer interactions.

  • Custom Greetings

Users can create custom greetings for their voicemail, auto attendant, or IVR system to deliver personalised messages to callers.

Custom greetings can help businesses reinforce their brand identity and provide a professional image to callers.


Here are the FAQs regarding call queuing systems:

Are there any disadvantages to call queuing systems?
While call queuing systems offer many benefits, there are some potential disadvantages to consider:

Caller frustration: Long wait times in queues can lead to caller frustration and dissatisfaction.

Reduced customer satisfaction: If callers perceive long wait times or experience frequent delays, it can negatively impact their perception of the business.

However, the positive aspects of implementing a queuing process far outweigh the disadvantages for businesses.
What are the Different Types of Call Queues?
There are several types of call queues, each designed to address specific business requirements and call-handling scenarios. Some common types include:

Basic call queue: This is a simple queue service in which calls are placed in line and handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Skill-based routing: Calls are routed to agents based on their skill set or expertise, ensuring that callers are connected to the most qualified agent to assist them.

Priority queue: Calls are prioritised based on predefined criteria such as VIP customers, urgent issues, or high-value accounts.

Time-based routing: Calls are directed depending on the time of day or the day of the week, enabling businesses to adapt their call management approaches to correspond with peak and off-peak periods.

Overflow queue: Calls are redirected to an overflow queue or another destination, such as voicemail or an alternative contact method, when all agents are busy or unavailable.
What is the Most Common Type?
In VoIP services, the most common call queue service is the basic call queue, where calls are placed in line and handled on a first-come, first-served basis. This queue type is simple to implement and suitable for businesses with moderate call volumes and straightforward call handling needs. 

However, many businesses may also use skill-based routing or priority queues to ensure efficient call routing and optimise customer service. The most appropriate type of call queue depends on each business’s specific requirements and objectives in the VoIP landscape.

Summary – call queuing System

Call queues are indispensable for businesses seeking to optimise their communication processes, improve customer service, and enhance operational efficiency. 

By automating call routing, effectively managing queues, and providing valuable insights into call performance, these systems empower businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive success in today’s competitive landscape.