How can I give ‘press 1,2,3’ options to callers?

If you’d like to give customers options to choose from when they call you, you can use our Switchboard add-on. The Switchboard add-on is £4.99 a month (+VAT).

Follow the steps below to add a virtual switchboard to your Air Landline number:

  1. Write your switchboard script
  2. Turn it into audio
  3. Email your audio file to

Once we have your audio file, we’ll set up your switchboard and email you back.


Frequently asked questions

Do you have an example script I could use?
Yes, you can copy/paste the following scripts and amend to suit:

“Welcome, and thank you for calling [Your Company Name, optionally add a slogan]. To help direct your call to the correct team, please choose from the following options:

For sales, press 1.
For existing orders, press 2.
For technical enquiries, press 3.
For all other enquiries, press 4.”
Can you create a custom greeting for me?
You can convert text to speech online with natural AI voices instantly, or get professional voiceover artist, tap here: Custom Voiceovers
Can I divert each option to different numbers?
Yes, you can divert it however you like. They can be diverted to the same number or different numbers.
Will I know which option the user has selected before I speak to them?
Yes, you can set call whisper for each audio file which is a short audio prompt that is played to you before you speak to the caller so you know which option they’ve chosen.
How many numbered options can I give?
You can give callers 10 options to choose from keypad 0 to 9. Please see the image on this page to see the numbered options you can give.
Can I have more options under each option?
Yes, you can have options under options creating a hierarchy of options.
Can I have an option go to a pre-recorded audio file instead of diverting to a number?
Yes, just send us the audio file as a separate file and let us know which option you’d like it placed under.
Can I change the numbers I divert to at any time?
Yes, you can change where each option is diverted to at anytime.