Call Screening for Businesses

Amidst the myriad communication channels, phone calls remain a fundamental mode for businesses to connect with clients, partners, and stakeholders.

However, not all calls are created equal. Call screening, the process of evaluating incoming calls before answering or directing them, has emerged as a vital tool for managing company communications efficiently and professionally.

We’ll explore the nuances of call screening for businesses, exploring its benefits, best practices, and the latest technology driving its evolution.

What is Call Screening?

Call screening evaluates incoming telephone calls before answering or directing them efficiently.

It allows individuals or businesses to filter incoming calls based on predetermined criteria, such as the caller’s identity, intent, or the urgency of the matter being addressed.

The primary objective of VoIP call screening is to efficiently manage incoming calls, ensuring that valuable time and resources are allocated judiciously.

Individuals can prioritise their responses by screening calls, streamlining workflow and minimising disruptions caused by irrelevant or low-priority calls.

Call screening technologies often employ features such as interactive voice response (IVR) systems, caller ID authentication, spam detection algorithms, and call routing mechanisms to analyse and categorise incoming calls efficiently.

How Does Call Screening Work?

Call screening evaluates various attributes of incoming telephone calls to determine whether they should be answered, redirected, or ignored.

Individuals can manually execute or automate the process through specialised software or hardware solutions.

Here’s a breakdown of how you can screen business calls:

  1. Incoming Call Identification: When a call is received, the caller’s phone number and other identifying information, such as the caller ID and location, are transmitted to the recipient’s phone system or call screening device.
  2. Criteria Evaluation: The call screening system analyses the incoming call based on predetermined criteria set by the user or the organisation. These criteria may include:
    • Caller Identity: Determining whether the caller’s phone number is recognised or associated with known contacts, clients, or stakeholders.
    • Call Purpose: Assessing the purpose of the call, such as whether it relates to a specific project, enquiry, sales opportunity, or customer service issue.
    • Urgency: Evaluating the perceived urgency of the call, such as whether it involves time-sensitive matters or requires immediate attention.
    • Spam or Fraud Detection: Utilising algorithms or databases to identify and flag calls from known spam phone numbers, robocalls, telemarketers, or potential fraudsters.
  3. Call Routing Decision: Based on the evaluation of the incoming call against the predefined criteria, the call screening system decides how to handle the call:
    • Answer: If the call meets the specified criteria for importance, relevance, or urgency, it may be routed to the recipients’ phone systems for immediate answering.
    • Redirect: If the call is deemed less urgent or relevant, it may be redirected to voicemail, an automated response system, or another designated phone line.
    • Block or Ignore: If the call is identified as spam, fraudulent, or otherwise unwanted, it may be blocked or ignored, preventing it from reaching the recipient’s phone altogether.
  4. User Interaction (Optional): Sometimes, the call screening system may prompt the recipient for further action or input before proceeding. For example, the recipient may be given the option to manually accept or reject the call based on additional information provided by the system.

Free Call Screening for Business

Are you tired of being bombarded with irrelevant calls while trying to focus on your business priorities?

Say goodbye to interruptions and hello to streamlined communication with Air Landline’s call screening service for businesses.

With Air Landline, you can enjoy the benefits of advanced call screening features without breaking the bank.

Free Trial Business Phone Number

A 7-day free trial of business phone numbers from Air Landline gives businesses an excellent opportunity to experience the benefits of their phone service without any commitment.

During the trial period, companies can explore the features and capabilities of Air Landline’s phone system, including call screening, call management, voicemail, and more.

How to Set up Screen Call Screens with Air Landline?

Setting up call screening with Air Landline is a straightforward process.

Follow these steps to configure call screening rules and enhance your company’s communication efficiency:

  1. Sign In to Your Air Landline Account: Log in to your account using the credentials sent via email. If you don’t have an account, you can easily sign up for one.
  2. Access Call Screening Settings: Once logged in, navigate to your Air Landline dashboard’s call settings section. Look for options related to call screening, caller ID, or call routing.
  3. Define Call Screening Criteria: Determine the criteria you want to use for call screening. Common criteria include:
    • Call Purpose: Screen calls based on the purpose or nature of the call. For example, you may want to prioritise calls related to sales enquiries or customer support issues.
    • Time of Day: Set different call screening rules based on the time of day. For instance, you might want to forward calls to voicemail outside of business hours.
  4. Customise Call Handling Options: Once you’ve defined your screening criteria, customise how calls that meet these criteria will be handled. Options include:
    • Answering Calls: Choose whether to answer screened calls directly, forward them to another number, or send them to voicemail.
    • Call Routing: Route calls to specific extensions, departments, or team members based on predefined rules.
    • Voicemail Settings: Configure voicemail settings, such as voicemail greetings and notification preferences, for calls that are screened and sent to voicemail.
  5. Test Your Setup: After configuring your call screening settings, it’s a good idea to test them to ensure they work as expected. Make test calls from different numbers or simulate various scenarios to verify that calls are being screened and handled correctly.
  6. Monitor and Adjust as Needed: Regularly monitor your call screening activity and adjust your settings.

You Don’t Need an App with Air Landline!

That’s correct! With Air Landline, you don’t need a landline or internet connection, as we forward calls to your mobile phone like regular calls.

Once logged in, you can configure call screening settings directly from your online dashboard.

If you need more specific guidance on accessing and configuring call screening with Air Landline without using an app, visit our support section or email us!

What is the Goal of Screening Calls?

The goal of screening calls is to filter incoming calls based on specific criteria before they are connected to the recipient.

There are several reasons why someone might want to screen their calls:

  • Identifying Callers: Call screening helps identify who is calling before answering the phone. This is particularly useful for avoiding unwanted or spam calls.
  • Prioritising Important Calls: By screening calls, individuals can prioritise answering important or urgent calls while allowing less critical calls to go to voicemail or be blocked.
  • Protecting Privacy: Screening calls can help protect privacy by allowing individuals to decide whether or not to answer a call based on the caller’s identity.
  • Managing Time and Interruptions: Call screening enables individuals to manage their time more effectively by reducing interruptions from unwanted or non-urgent calls.

Best Features of Air Landline

Here are some features of Air Landline call screening:

No internet required 

No internet or landline installation is required to use Air Landline; simply sign up and instantly start receiving diverted landline calls to your mobile!

High-security protocols

Effective load-balancing and distribution ensure constant, uninterrupted communication, even in the rare case of a multi-server failure!

Call Logs and Reporting

Air Landline provides users access to call logs and reporting tools. These logs can help users track screened calls, view detailed information about each call, and analyse call screening trends over time.

Benefits of Call Screening

Call screening offers several benefits for both personal and professional use:

  • Filtering Unwanted Calls: Call screening allows you to filter out unwanted calls such as spam, telemarketing, or robocalls. This helps reduce interruptions and saves time by only answering calls from relevant or known contacts.
  • Identifying Important Calls: Screening calls allows you to see the caller’s information before deciding whether to answer. This lets you prioritise important calls from clients, colleagues, or family members while allowing non-urgent calls to go to voicemail.
  • Protecting Privacy: Screening calls helps protect your privacy by allowing you to screen unknown or suspicious callers. You can choose not to answer calls from numbers you don’t recognise, thereby avoiding potential scams or unwanted solicitations.
  • Improving Time Management: Call screening helps manage your time more effectively by reducing interruptions. You can focus on tasks without constantly being interrupted by unwanted or irrelevant calls, increasing productivity and concentration.
  • Customising Call Handling: With call screening, you can customise call handling, adjusting settings based on criteria like time of day or caller ID. This customisation ensures your call screening aligns perfectly with your preferences and schedule.
  • Enhancing Security: Screening calls can also prevent unauthorised access or social engineering attempts. By verifying the identity of callers before answering, you can avoid falling victim to phishing scams or fraudulent calls.

What is An Example of a Call Screening?

Let’s say you have set up call screening on your phone line. When someone calls you, instead of immediately connecting the call, your phone system checks the caller’s information against your screening criteria.

The system checks the caller’s phone number against your contact list or a database of known spam numbers.

If the number matches a contact or is not on the spam list, the call may be immediately connected; otherwise, it will proceed to the next step.

The system or automated call agents send a customised message to the caller, such as “Thank you for calling.

To ensure we can assist you effectively, please state your name and the purpose of your call.” This message lets you hear who is calling and decide whether to accept the call.

After the message, you can accept, reject, or send the call to voicemail based on the caller’s response or other criteria you’ve set up.

For example, you may receive calls from specific numbers immediately, send calls from unknown numbers to voicemail, and block calls from known spam numbers.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about call screening:

Can You Screen Calls on an iPhone?

Yes, regardless of the phone you have, whether it’s an iPhone or Android, our system is able to screen incoming calls.

Can You Screen Calls on an Android?

Yes, Air Landline screens phone calls to Android devices, allowing you to screen calls based on criteria such as caller ID or known spam numbers.

Summary – Call screening For Business

Call screening is valuable for businesses seeking to enhance communication, productivity, and efficiency.

By filtering incoming calls based on predefined criteria, companies can prioritise important calls, protect against spam and scams, and allow their on-call agents to provide better customer service.

With Air Landline’s screening service in place, businesses can revolutionise how they handle phone communications and take their operations to the next level of success.