How can I contact you?

You can email our friendly team on with any queries.

We’re not like other landline providers that use telesales staff. Instead we give a zero-risk free trial so you can try it for yourself:

Here is why our support service by email is top rated compared to traditional telesales call centres:

– we respond to all queries within 1 business day, usually much quicker.

– we can prioritise urgent emails over non-urgent ones, so unlike a call centre, urgent customers are not waiting behind non-urgent customers in a call queue.

– you can share screenshots of any issues you’re having by email so we can better help you

– we have an email trail of your previous queries so unlike a call centre, you don’t have to keep repeating yourself every time you contact us about the same query

– your query is answered by a UK-based expert for that query, so unlike a call centre, you won’t be dealing with any inexperienced call centre staff who keep passing you to different departments

– we can ensure security of your account as we can check if the emails is coming from the account owner

Most customers are surprised how quickly we respond to emails, so just send us an email.